Discovering a Naturally Connected Life

Discovering a Naturally Connected Life

One year ago I made the decision to create radical change in my life. I was tired of reading the self-help books and not actually following through. I was tired of being tired. I was depressed, anxious, and constantly picking fights with my husband. I was always irritated by my child. I was extremely unhappy with the state of my life and it was time for change.

I don’t have an exact formula, but I do know that the cumulative effect of everything I did and worked on in 2019 created my best year EVER. I am happy to say that I am no longer depressed, I have no anxiety. I’m sleeping great, my relationship with my husband has moved to a wonderful new level and I can just say that I’m happy. Truly happy. I cannot recall a time that I’ve ever felt this good and I’m proud of that.

So how does this connect? Well everything’s connected… And how you do one thing is how we do everything. I finally feel like I’ve stepped into living a Naturally Connected Life.  I secretly created this site in 2018 because I knew I wanted more but I was not ready to fully step into that boat. Then on September 26, 2019 I shared with my husband what I created and his response was, “I’m sharing this”. And here we are. Sometimes you need a little push from the universe to get into the boat, right?

So now, I’m still figuring out my way. How to launch this boat, how to be a happy person, how to live my Naturally Connected Life and how to share with you the vision I have for creating a new world. In finding my way I am creating a framework for what a Naturally Connected Life can look like. There are so many ways to live and be happy so I can only offer a guide, it is your responsibility to find your values and create your own Naturally Connected Life.

So what is a Naturally Connected Life?

A life defined by your values.

When you truly know yourself well enough to identify your values then you can begin to live with intentionality and connection. Define your values for yourself and your family. As you do this you will see that what you value begins to take shape in your life, your home, your community, and the world around you.

Having a defined set of values gives you a guidepost for when things are difficult.  It gives you something to back up your decisions and keeps your “no” from seeming arbitrary.  It empowers you to feel like you’re actually making a difference in the world. It will create more connection within your family and will allow them to see the connections to the bigger picture.

Living a life defined by your values is the first step and maybe one of the hardest. In the past year I have spent much time in meditation and reflection thinking about what I value and how I want that to shape my life. The “hows” may change along the way, but at the end of the day the values remain the same. They are my lighthouse in the storm.

A life that is simple & rhythmic.

Once you have a set of values you begin to craft the life you desire. Simple and rhythmic might not be the first words that come to mind when you’re trying to create a new life, but there is a reason some of the happiest people in the world are Buddhist monks who have nothing.

Simple and rhythmic can also be a state of mind. They can be mantras for how you carry out your day and how you lead your child through life.  Even if you have a to-do list a mile long you can still hold to the simple and rhythmic mantra. Check your email only at a chosen time of day, delegate these tasks, only one extra-curricular activity a week, etc.  Finding your inner peacefulness will do wonders for creating calm during the storm.

Simplicity and rhythm are also very useful tools for creating a connected childhood. Children do not need extravagant or excessive toys, they do not need tons of activities to do, or daily chaos. Children (and adults) are at their best when life is predictable, supportive, and calm.  Change and chaos will happen and the best way to handle it is with through simplifying the situation and allowing the natural rhythmic flow to hold you.

A life that is emotionally connected.

We are all longing to be emotionally understood. In this path of life we learn to see our emotions and befriend them and in doing this we are able to connect with those around us on a much deeper level. When we know ourselves and our own emotional landscape then we can connect to others in a loving and kind manner. Through this love and connection we will create great change in the world.

The epidemic of mental health disorders stems directly from the lack of connection we feel to those around us. By putting down the smartphone and making eye contact with the person next to us we are learning to be both vulnerable and strong at the same time. We grow our own capacity for caring and connection as we place a higher value on in person human interactions. I feel the irony as I write this to you from the ethers of the internet, and this is why I plan to make in person engagements and workshops a priority!

Emotional connection is also a form of gratitude. It is impossible to be grateful and not feel emotionally connected to your family and the world around you. The emotion of gratitude will take you a long way. It will make your year, the best ever, and will connect you with more new people and places than you ever thought possible. If you’re striving for emotionally connected, start with gratitude. It is guaranteed to lead you down a path of shining new possibilities and connections.

A life that is seeking.

I don’t mean seeking the best deal on the latest gadget. I mean seeking truth. What are you seeking? Are you willing to question the status quo? Are you questioning why modern life has become so isolating and consumer driven? Even if you have not made it to those questions, it is possible to have this deep-down feeling of seeking something better. We all are.  A Naturally Connected Life is one of seeking questions, answers and finding the links to the bigger picture.

Your life is one that is seeking to connect to others who are struggling with the same issues and problems. You see the stress and strain in your childrens’ faces and you know there is a better way to live in the world. You are ready to find the new path and begin the new journey just as I did.

Let’s talk and I will help you to create a Naturally Connected Life that will make your 2020 the best year yet.

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