In recent years, more and more people are becoming aware that there’s some connection between blue light and eye strain or even vision impairment.
So, we change our phone settings, by screen covers or even wear blue-blocking glasses.
But what is the blue light actually doing to our eyes?
Well, it’s probably not what you think.
The blue light itself actually isn’t the problem.
Researchers studying the effects of blue light on the eyes found that blue light by itself didn’t cause any damage to the cells of the eye.
It was only in the presence of retinal, the truncated name for retinaldehyde, that the blue light had a harmful effect.
Retinaldehyde is the form of vitamin A your body makes from beta-carotene in plants or animal products.
What the researchers found was that the retinaldehyde molecule reacted to the blue light, and in their words, “became more toxic.”[emphasis added]
But more importantly, they stated that their research proves “blue light alone or retinal alone did not perturb PIP2 or elicit cytosolic calcium increase.”[1]
So, let me translate.
When retinaldehyde was present in the cell and they shined blue light on the cell, the retinaldehyde caused the cell membrane to distort, causing a surge of calcium rushed into the cell and killed it.
But that wouldn’t happen with just blue light and no retinaldehyde.
The same thing happened not just to eye cells, but to heart, neuron, and even cancer cells.
Now, if there is excess calcium in the fluids surrounding the cells that are damaged by retinaldehyde activated by blue light, this chain reaction is only made worse.
It’s fair to say that someone with low serum D levels is going to have excess calcium, since the body would not want to produce more D itself and thereby absorb even more calcium.
The low D levels are a natural defense against hypercalcaemia, which can cause serious problems including heart disease, cataracts, and kidney stones.
Even the Mayo Clinic warns that calcium supplements can increase the risk of heart disease for men and women.[2]
Important to remember, that just because we are protecting our eyes from blue light, does not eliminate exposure 100% and that the blue light causes the same problem to any kind of cell.
Not just our eyes.
Might be the better solution is to eliminate the factors we can control: the retinaldehyde and the excess calcium.
If you’re experiencing eye strain, joint pain, headaches, hypertension, anxiety, and possibly many other symptoms of excess calcium and vitamin A, it’s worth dedicating an hour to find out if my approach could help you.
It’s no risk or obligation, only the information and research you won’t find anywhere else that is actually resolving these chronic issues for people who have tried everything else.
Looking forward to sharing with you what I’ve learned and how I’ve helped myself and many others like you get back to their default, healthy selves.
Being healthy doesn’t have to be hard work, we just have to have the right information.
PS There’s much more research showing the dangers of calcium supplements, calcium oxalates in dark leafy greens, and how vitamin D supplements, with or without calcium and vitamin K, are actually making things worse!